Types of Explosions

When certain chemicals, gases, and other substances are kept in an unstable state or are exposed to heat or fire, they may pose the risk of exploding. When a substance explodes, it usually involves a quick increase in volume and the release of energy in a violent manner. Explosions may involve the release of chemicals, high temperatures, and shock waves.

If an unstable substance explodes when people are present, the blast may cause serious injuries or even death. It is important to understand the different types of explosions and where they typically occur in order to keep yourself as safe as possible. Everyday substances that can be found at home, in the workplace, and in public areas can potentially cause a devastating explosion.

Common Types of Explosions

Explosions that are commonly reported include:

People who are walking, standing, or working near the site of a blast may suffer injuries resulting from flying debris, impact injuries, burns, heat / smoke / chemical inhalation, and other trauma. Explosions and blasts may be caused by improper transport, storage, or treatment, and may result in physical injuries and serious property damage.

Contact Us

Unfortunately, the damages caused by an explosion or fire might result in considerable medical bills and intense pain and suffering. Speaking to an experienced explosion lawyer may provide you with informed advice on where to begin your recovery process.